

idLaw is an emerging Romanian boutique law practice rendering legal services to Romanian and international clients with a high focus and expertise in Dispute Resolution and Arbitration.

We deliver sharp, business-focused legal advice at the speed our clients operate without ever compromising on excellence. We keep the human relationship at the core of our endeavors, knowing that trust and collaboration always drive the best outcomes.

The practice has been created in 2025 by enthusiast and well-seasoned litigation and arbitration lawyers whose professional journeys were intertwined with the most prestigious domestic and international law firms acting on the Romanian market.

Our team, with over twenty years of combined experience, is covering the complete array of pre-litigious and litigious related matters that may arise in any organization regardless its size. In the same time, our team is well seasoned in representing clients in front of the Romanian authorities, be it tax, customs or other administrative bodies, in day-to-day business matters, prominent situations or audits commenced by the latter.

Our clients range from local SMBs to the largest international corporations acting in diverse industries. When highly specialized legal opinions are needed, we collaborate with renowned scholars to strengthen our cases. Furthermore, should the legal advice and representation go beyond Romanian jurisdiction, our team can recommend equally competent international professionals we partner with throughout the globe.

Brazil - Minas Gerais

HLL & Pieri Advogados has more than 35 years of experience all over Brazil and internationally

Founded in 1988 by lawyer and professor Homero Leonardo Lopes and later joined by Fernando Pieri Leonardo, HLL & Pieri Advogados is a nationwide law firm specializing in International Law and Trade, as well as Customs, Corporate, and Tax Law.

Homero and Fernando, the firm’s nominal partners, are highly regarded legal professionals with vast professional experience. Homero was a tax auditor for the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service for 12 years, overseeing the import and export operations of the main companies in Minas Gerais and carrying out more than 250 foreign trade audits. Fernando, who is a professor and holds a master’s degree in Tax Law, served as an advisor to the Council for International Policies and Markets of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG).

Fernando is a member of important national and international associations dedicated to the study of customs issues and was recognized by the Análise Advocacia 2022 and 2023/2024 guides in two categories: as the most admired lawyer in the State of Minas Gerais and in the International Trade area. Fernando and Homero are founders of the Brazilian Association of Customs Studies (ABEAD), of which Fernando is currently president.

Over the years, the firm has expanded its operations to areas related to Foreign Trade and Customs Legislation, which are the areas of expertise of Dr. Homero Leonardo Lopes, aiming to offer integrated legal solutions to its clients, including Tax, International, Corporate, and Civil Law. The firm’s commitment to excellence and continuous search for innovation has enabled the expansion of the firm, including three new partners: attorneys André Marques Ferreira Pedrosa, Elisângela Oliveira de Rezende, and Daniela Lacerda Chaves. These professionals bring with them an admirable set of skills and experiences, further enhancing the firm’s ability to meet the complex needs of its clients.

The firm encourages constant technical training and provides knowledge updating for its professionals, valuing pillars such as excellent service, focus on client objectives, and building long-lasting and productive relationships. Over more than 35 years of professional activity, the firm has served hundreds of clients with ethics, technical quality, and agility.


The firm operates in the following areas: Customs Law, Customs Auditing, International Business, Tax Law, Corporate and Civil Law, and Labor Law.


The firm was recognized in 2022 and 2023/2024 by the Análise Advocacia yearbook, the largest and most relevant survey conducted on the Brazilian legal market, ranking as the most admired firm in the State of Minas Gerais and in the International Trade specialty. In addition, it also stood out in the 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 editions of Análise Advocacia Regional, a publication that aims to highlight law firms that stand out in their respective regions, emphasizing the unique characteristics of each location.

The firm was also highlighted in the Análise Advocacia Diversity and Inclusion 2024 guide, which recognizes Brazilian firms with initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in their organizational structures.

National and international operations

HLL & Pieri Advogados has partnerships with other law firms in Brazil and abroad, ensuring efficient, fast and secure service to its clients’ requests. The firm has specialized administrative management and a physical structure compatible with its activity, maintaining files and systems that allow it to gather information quickly and reliably. It is recognized by the market as a traditional law firm, always up to date on the topics it works with and that provides national and international services. Hiring HLL & Pieri Advogados is the certainty of obtaining a high technical level, specialized and always up-to-date knowledge, in addition to personalized service delivery focused on concrete results for the client, employing agility, seriousness and commitment.

Social Actions

HLL & Pieri Advogados deals with issues that exceed its institutional and professional activities. The firm works to benefit society through entities to which it contributes, whether financially, through donations, or with the direct participation of many of its members.

The firm supports Grupo de Ajuda (GA), an entity that helps needy families and people living on the streets of Belo Horizonte/MG, by offering its legal support to the institution. In addition, it supports its initiatives financially and participates directly in the activities promoted by the entity, notably on Monday nights, when food and clothing are distributed to the needy living on the streets of the capital. HLL & Pieri Advogados also supports the Fraternidade Espírita Vinha de Luz and its activities, providing assistance to residents of Colônia Santa Izabel, in Betim/MG, and to the elderly women of Lar São Vicente de Paula, in Sabará/MG, either with financial donations or with the direct involvement of partners and members of the firm in the caravans held bimonthly by the institution.

Contact and Location

HLL & Pieri Advogados is located at Rua Araguari, nº 1541, Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG | Zip Code 30190-111.

In addition to the headquarters in Minas Gerais, we also operate in Brasília, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, and Rio de Janeiro.

Phone: +55 (31) 3292-6655

Social Media:



Carey is a full-service Chilean law firm whose clients include some of the world’s largest multinationals, international organizations, and some of the most important local companies and institutions. Carey’s specialized international trade and customs team advises clients on all aspects of the import and export industry, on regulatory, commercial and judicial matters.

The firm facilitates its clients’ business and legal relationship with local customs agents, freight forwarders, carriers, and with the National Customs Service, in connection with the licensing and customs clearance of unregulated and regulated products (such as foodstuff, copper and minerals, pharmaceutical products, and medical devices).

Carey’s vast expertise includes regulatory compliance advice in connection with applicable domestic and international trade laws, treaties and regulations, drafting and negotiation of cross-border distribution and logistics contracts, handling of administrative filings and proceedings before the National Customs Service, as well as trade and customs litigation.

Contact details:

Carey & Cía. Ltda.
Isidora Goyenechea 2800, 43rd floor
Las Condes

Phone: +56 2 2928 2200


Petersen & Cotter Moine is one of the leading law firms specialised in customs law in Argentina. We have a recognised track record in Argentina and abroad. We advise, counsel and defend our clients, assimilating the internal guidelines and strategic interests of each one of them, with exclusive and personalised dedication. The interests entrusted to our care are served by a team of professionals specialised in customs law and international trade, with extensive experience in the field. For further information about our firm, please contact us.

Contact details:

Petersen & Cotter Moine
Esmeralda 1320 3rd Floor, Dept. “A”
(C10007ABT) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA)

Phone: (+54911) 4327-27477

email: Juan Patricio Cotter – Petersen & Cotter Moine – Abogados or
Juan Pablo Giambastiani – Petersen & Cotter Moine – Abogados




HPP Attorneys is a full-service business law firm advising domestic and international clients on all aspects of their business operations. HPP Attorneys has significant cross-border experience and regularly advises multinational clients and leading law firms worldwide particularly on transactions and investments, environmental law, disputes, EU and competition law, technology, and intellectual property rights.

HPP’s tax team provides domestic and international clients across a range of industry sectors with extensive legal assistance on taxation issues arising from corporate transactions, business operations, tax procedures and tax disputes. We advise our clients on both direct and indirect taxation, i.a. VAT, excise, and customs. Our customs team has gained top customs expertise in Finland.

HPP is the leading full-service law firm also in maritime, transport and aviation law in Finland comprehensively covering the logistics sector. We have in-depth knowledge of the legal issues involving the maritime, transport and logistics industry and we have been for years a Tier 1 law firm in Finland according to the Legal500 publication.

Contact details:

HPP Attorneys
Bulevardi 1 A
FI-00100 Helsinki


Phone: +358 9 474 21
Mobile: +358 44 758 2475
Website: HPP Attorneys


Niederer Kraft Frey is a Swiss corporate law firm with an international approach. We offer integrated advice across the whole spectrum of corporate, finance and business law. We have a long track record of dealing effectively with complex challenges by combining legal excellence with a commercial focus. Over decades, Niederer Kraft Frey has worked on the most significant and demanding matters in the Swiss market. This is the foundation of our distinct market knowledge, legal expertise and our capacity for innovative thought.

We are an international team of more than 140 lawyers, of whom 51 are partners. The focus of Niederer Kraft Frey is the business of our clients.

We work daily on matters involving complex multijurisdictional issues and several working languages. We advise in 13 different languages:

German · English · French · Italian · Czech · Dutch · Hebrew · Hungarian · Norwegian · Russian · Spanish · Portuguese · Swedish




Contact details:



Niederer Kraft Frey Ltd
Bahnhofstrasse 53
CH-8001 Zurich



Our History
We’ve been in the business of law since 1862, when a young entrepreneurial Britton Bath Osler began to practise law in the village of Dundas, Ontario (70 km west of Toronto). By the age of 23, Osler had opened two law offices (Dundas and Hamilton) and started his own venture in what would become one of North America’s first commuter railways.
In 1882, Osler moved his practice to Toronto, the provincial capital and at the time Canada’s second most important city for business, after Montreal. It proved to be a good move. He formed a partnership with John Hoskin and several other lawyers. Within a decade the enterprise grew to become one of the top three law firms in Canada. The final name for the firm we know today was settled in 1902 when Partner Frederick Harcourt’s name was added to the door.
Almost from the start, the firm’s clients included many of the country’s largest companies and others that would grow to become leaders in key emerging industries including railways, banking and insurance, manufacturing and natural resources. And as the firm prospered, it also attracted international companies seeking opportunities in Canada, giving us an early and essential global perspective. That perspective proved extremely advantageous when in the wake of World War II, the economic climate ushered in the era of the “dealmaker” and the age of modern corporate law.
In 1968, Osler became the first large corporate law firm in Canada to admit a woman as a partner, Bertha Wilson, who went on to become the first female Justice appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada.
As a leader in all aspects of business law, then and now, Osler has drawn together some of the best legal minds. From ambitious young barristers and solicitors to former Supreme Court judges and prime ministers, Osler has earned a reputation as the law firm in which to turn with the most complex business challenges and needs.
In 2012, Osler celebrated its 150th anniversary. With the theme of “Making a Difference,” the firm not only marked the milestone as a long and historical legacy of success, but more importantly as a celebration of our people and how together as a team, we strive to make a difference for our clients and our community.
Today, Osler continues to maintain its trusted advisor status with Canadian and international business leaders. We empower ambitious organizations that are expanding, protecting and transforming their businesses – a mission that started five years before confederation with Britton Bath Osler.

Contact details:



Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
First Canadian Place, 100
1 King St W #6200
Toronto, ON M5X 1B8, CanadaTel: +1 416-362-2111


Moulis Legal
international trade team

Moulis Legal is globally recognised as a premium provider of full-service representation in complex international, regulatory and commercial law matters. Our team of respected lawyers are skilled in Australian law, WTO law, cross border matters, customs and import/export formalities, business law, government law, intellectual property, procurement, advocacy and data analysis.
We are well positioned to provide expert and strategic advice regarding trade defence, import and export controls, sanctions compliance, free trade agreements, WTO law and international dispute resolution.

Lawyers with international expertise

We are truly international. Our lawyers possess extensive experience and training in multiple legal jurisdictions. We understand the unique challenges faced by businesses engaging in transactions, disputes, and investment outside their home jurisdiction.
We have represented multinational and Australian clients in numerous government investigations. We have managed court and administrative procedures in multiple jurisdictions. These experiences have taken us the A to Z of the world’s countries. Notably, we have represented our clients in the European Court of Justice and the World Trade Organisation, and before the investigative authorities of Argentina, Brazil, China, Malaysia, the European Union, and the USA.
Our boutique legal firm has extensive experience and an unparalleled record representing iconic Australian companies and NGOs, multinational giants, foreign exporters and foreign governments and their agencies in international trade law matters.


Greenberg Traurig’s International Trade Practice provides clients with guidance on global trade policies and remedies, as well as advocacy in negotiations and trade dispute proceedings. As strategic advisers, we assist clients in both sustaining and enhancing their competitiveness in the ever-changing world economy, with a focus on trade regulations and transactions, import and export controls, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), customs, intellectual property, and tariff issues.

We aim to keep clients current on the many crucial facets of international trade, including the latest developments in laws, treaties, and politics that shape global relationships. We also offer strategic trade consulting and representation on issues relating to the World Trade Organization’s global trade rules.

Contact details:

Paseo de la Reforma No. 265 PH1

Colonia Cuauhtémoc | Ciudad de México,  06500

Guillermo Sánchez Chao
Tel.: +52 55.5029.0000


We are an independent law firm providing legal services to Polish and foreign leading companies operating in different lines of business and economic sectors in almost every area of law for more than 20 years now.

A team of our lawyers has knowledge of the specificity of operations, problems and legal aspects of individual sectors of economy, which enables our correct assessment of a business situation our clients are in, and allows us to adjust legal solutions to attain the intended objectives. We operate in the whole Poland area, cooperating with lawyers and renowned law firms from other Polish cities.

KW Kruk and Partners Law Firm LP cooperates also with foreign lawyers, law firms and international legal organizations (ICC FRAUDNET, IR GLOBAL).
Thanks to our membership in international organizations we have a rich and reliable database of international contacts and access to specialists in various fields. Thanks to cooperation with foreign experts and legal entities, we are able to ensure proper and comprehensive legal services to Polish entrepreneurs abroad, and we can render services to foreign entrepreneurs. Our lawyers provide legal services in Polish, English, French, and Russian.

In the field of international trade and customs law, we provide importers, producers, exporters, and investors with legal advice as they navigate the complex world of international trade and customs law. Our legal services in the field of international trade are split between two main areas: international and Polish law and regulations.

Legal services in the area of customs law are addressed to entrepreneurs who carry out transactions on both domestic and international markets and include in particular following scope:

  • ​Trade defence (anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguards)
  • Investigations and procedures conducted by OLAF
  • Export and import controls
  • Rules of origin
  • Customs classification and valuations
  • Packaging and labeling
  • Dual use goods and technologies
  • Recovery of customs duties
  • Representation of clients in proceedings before customs administration authorities and before administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court

Contact details:
KW Kruk and Partners Law Firm LP
14 Bł. Ładysława z Gielniowa Street
02-066 Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: +48 22 246 46 46
Fax: +48 22 246 46 99


The history of Lee and Li can be traced back to the 1940s. James Lee, one of the two founders, began his practice with two U.S. attorneys during that period in Shanghai. The other founding partner, Dr. C. N. Li, also practiced in Shanghai at that time. Both of them specialized in transnational legal matters.

Contact details :
Lee and Li
8F, No. 555, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd.,
Taipei 11072, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Phone: +886-227638000
Website: Lee and Li


LakshmiKumaran is a full service law firm practising in areas of Tax, International Trade, Intellectual Property Rights and Corporate laws. The firm is acclaimed for its legal acumen and skill of its highly knowledgeable team of experts, attorneys and consultants. A well-knit team of professionals from across different practices work in tandem to ensure that every client is provided the best and most comprehensive service.

Contact details :
B-6/10, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 110 029, India

Phone: +91 112 619 22 43
Website: LakshmiKumaran


WERKS Advokater is a Swedish law firm specialized in business law. The firm is based on three core values, commitment, excellence and innovation. WERKS represents domestic and international clients who demand first class legal services and value our partner attention. WERKS practice areas include customs law; international trade; mergers & acquisitions, maritime & offshore; dispute resolution including international arbitration; public procurement; real estate and construction law.

Our customs and international trade team assist our clients in all aspects of customs- and international trade matters such as: customs investigations, internal revisions, customs optimization of supply chains and litigations before Swedish courts and the EU institutions.

Contact details :
Östra Hamngatan 41-43, 411 10 Göteborg, Sweden

Phone: +46 010 202 22 00
Website: Werks

Brazil - Sao Paulo

UNO is a multidisciplinary consulting firm specialized in advising its clients on international trade barriers and developing solutions to increase access to export markets. With offices in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Washington DC, UNO’s practice areas include trade remedies, trade facilitation and compliance, market access and trade policy.

UNO’s team consists of highly skilled lawyers, economists, accountants, business and international relations professionals. This distinctive blend of professionals uniquely position UNO to analyze complex issues creatively and accurately, and assist governments, business associations and companies develop and implement tools for maximizing the results of their international trade operations.

With regards specifically to trade remedies investigations initiated by the Brazilian or US governments, UNO team members have handled or been involved in almost all recent cases, having experience in more than 150 proceedings involving Argentinian, Brazilian, Chinese, EU, Korean, Indian, Indonesian, Israeli, Mexican, Russian, Taiwanese, Thai, US and Vietnamese companies in investigations initiated by various jurisdictions: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Mexico, Turkey and US. To access our full experience please visit our website:

Contact details :
UNO Trade Strategy Advisors
Av. Pedroso de Morais, 457 – CJ. 1007/1008
Pinheiros – São Paulo – SP
CEP: 05419-000


Phone: +55 113 588 40 04
Website: Uno Trade


The Netherlands is ‘the gateway to Europe’ and based in Rotterdam, a port of world stature, the full service law firm Ploum self-evidently has a strong focus on international trade and logistics. Ploum provides legal services to clients in respect of all (administrative, civil and criminal law) aspects of customs cases. The team focuses on both litigation and counseling and has extensive experience in regular ‘fiscal’ customs cases as in antidumping and export control and sanction legislation cases.

Contact details :
Blaak 28, 3011 TA Rotterdam
, The Netherlands 

Phone: +31 652 00 59 16
Fax: +31 10 436 4400
Website: Ploum


AROLA is the leading Spanish Company in advisory and consultancy in all matters related to Customs and Trade Law. Its Legal team, formed by 9 specialized lawyers, constitutes the biggest and more experienced Law Firm in Spain in the field of Customs and Excise Duties.

AROLA Legal & Tax Department is always contributing with the needed legal support in all operations monitored by AROLA, and represents the interests of our customers before the Customs and Tax Authorities and before the national courts in all its judicial bodies.

Contact details :
C/ Juan de Mena, 10 Puerta 1º D 28014 Madrid

Phone: +34 917 46 27 97
Website: Arola


SPCA Advogados is a Portuguese law firm with offices in Porto and Lisbon dealing with several jurisdictions, notably the Portuguese-speaking countries. SPCA Advogados’ practice is highly focused on international trade regulation and customs law, advising clients as well as representing them within proceedings before judicial and administrative authorities.

Contact details :
SPCA Advogados
Av. Mário Brito, n.º 4170, 3.º – sala 347 Apartado 5040 – Freixieiro 4456-901 Perafita, Portugal

Phone: +35 122 999 973 56
Website: SPCA


Armella & Associates

Founded in 2008 by lawyer Sara Armella is composed of a team of highly qualified lawyers specialized in international and Italian taxation law, international trade, customs law, VAT and excise duties.

The law firm, based in Milan and Genoa provides clients with expert legal advice and representation in court in all the degrees of judgment until the Italian Supreme Court and also out of court with a specialized advice, among the others, in international tax and customs matters.

Contact details :
Armella & Associati
Via Torino, 15/6, 20123 Milano (Mi), Italy
Piazza Raffaele de Ferrari, 4, 16121 Genova (GE), Italy

Phone: +39 010 859 52 00
Website: Armella & Associati



Our law firm pursues a full service strategy both on an Austrian as well as by virtue of our international network of law firms on a cross border level.

Banks, real estate and insurance companies, industrial enterprises as well as medium sized companies and entrepreneurs trust our expertise both in litigious as well as non-litigous matters. In the field of M&A we advise on transactions on capital markets as well as on the level of medium sized companies. Our clients benefit from our vast experience in representing clients before courts of justice and courts of arbitration. If need be for non-Austrian legal expertise we can rely on our established close and long lasting relationships with fellow law firms around the world who operate at an equally high standard.

Our clients appreciate that upon solving legal problems we take economic and tax aspects into account, too. We strive to provide our legal advice in a comprehensive way so that it can be easily understood and serve as a clear basis for decision-making for management.

Many of our lawyers are highly regarded as authors of legal books and commentaries as well as lecturers at universities and seminars. Therefore, our advice is in demand and respected on the market in particular in complex legal matters.

Contact details :
DSC Doralt Seist Csoklich Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Währinger Straße 2-4
1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 319 45 20
Fax: +32 (0)2 320 3599


Cattwyk stands for a clear focus on trade compliance, economic
security and sustainability – with a team of 15 experienced lawyers
and offices in Hamburg and Brussels.
The founders have decades of experience and have established
their previous law firm as the leading foreign trade practice in
Germany and one of the leading practices in Europe.
Outstanding legal expertise in a unique team of experienced
and passionate lawyers who are at their clients’ side to help
them meet all the challenges of the supply chain and cross-border trade

Cattwyk’s expertise ranges from traditional topics such as
customs law/anti-dumping law, sanctions and export control,
excise duties and foreign direct investment; another strong focus
is on sustainability in supply chains: German Supply Chain Act
(LkSG), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
(CSDDD), CBAM, EUDR, Forced Labour Regulation and
Ecodesign Regulation are just a few of the relevant legal acts –
in addition to reporting requirements, such as those under the
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Cattwyk’s
strength lies in its ability to combine complex and specialised
legal issues into a comprehensive advice package – in
compliance, strategic issues, in disputes with authorities and
other parties in the supply chain or in litigation before national or
EU courts. In addition to its own expertise, Cattwyk uses a global
network of experienced trade lawyers and numerous
collaborations with experts in the field of software/IT or other
technological disciplines.
Cattwyk is committed not only to legal excellence, but also to
using all technological means to serve its clients effectively and
efficiently as well as to sustainability and diversity.
For years, the renowned partners Dr Lothar Harings and Marian
Niestedt have been ranked among Germany’s leading lawyers
for customs law, foreign direct investment, export control and
sanctions by the German magazine JUVE. Dr Harings founded
the ‘Green Trade Team’ at GvW Graf von Westphalen, which,
under his leadership and with the experienced associates Max
Jürgens, Lars Hillmann and Dr Julia Hörnig, has developed into
a leading practice for legal advice on sustainability in supply
chains before the members moved to Cattwyk. Dr Lothar Harings
is honorary chairman of the European Forum for External Trade
(EFA). The firm’s other partners, Dr Hartmut Henninger, Dr Katja
Göcke and Franziska Kaiser, are also recommended lawyers for
foreign trade and customs law in Germany. They have been
working in the renowned practice for more than ten years and
have expanded the team’s field of activity to such an extent that
it is now possible to provide comprehensive advice on regulatory

Contact details :

Cattwyk Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Hohe Bleichen 8, 20354 Hamburg

Phone:  +49 40 22899 22 0
Fax:    +49 40 22899 22 66


Based in Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux and Le Havre, Stream is an international commercial law firm. Our deep expertise is internationally renowned in Shipping, Insurance & Reinsurance, energy, aviation, international trade as well as customs and excise law. Stream France advises clients on both French & English law and has a wide experience in resolving disputes.

Our customs and excise department, created in 2007, deals with all customs and excise matters (advice on customs and excise issues and assisting clients during customs investigations), carries out surveys and audits for clients wishing to become Authorised Economic Operators, lectures and deals with questions relating to the enforcement of French and EU customs regulations.

Contact details :
4 Square Édouard VII, 75009 Paris, France

Phone: +33 153 76 91 00
Website: Stream

EU - Belgium

Cassidy Levy Kent (Europe) SRL is based in Brussels, the capital of the European Union and principal seat of its institutions.

Our team brings decades of experience in EU and international trade law, and offers clients comprehensive services across the spectrum of trade issues in the EU and with the WTO in Geneva. Our lawyers are recognized as leading practitioners in EU trade defense investigations for manufacturing industries, trade barriers, trade policy, customs investigations and litigation, export controls and sanctions, EU climate border measures and policies, and WTO law and disputes. Our team represents clients before various EU institutions and agencies, Member State agencies, the Court of Justice of the EU and Member State courts, and the WTO. Our deep understanding of EU institutions and decision-making processes allows us to effectively navigate complex trade and regulatory issues. For customs matters, our Brussels office is able to leverage a uniquely strong network of boutique firms and practitioners in European ports and airports, offering high-quality customs law advice anywhere in Europe. Outside the EU, our team has also a unique track record of trade defense investigations in Morocco and supporting clients on international trade matters involving the United Kingdom.

We work closely with our Washington DC and Ottawa offices to provide seamless, global trade law services. Our team includes professionals ready to assist clients in multiple languages, ensuring timely, practical, and effective advice on European and international trade law matters.

Contact details :
Cassidy Levy Kent
66 Avenue Louise, 2ème étage, 1000 Brussels – Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)2 883 12 20