We help clients who produce or trade excise goods such as alcohol, alcoholic drinks, energy products, electricity or tobacco products, and assist them in applying rules on payment of excise duties in their country. We also provide advice regarding the national rules applicable, or within intercommunity transactions, movement of goods subject to excise duties, and international operations (export/import).
We provide clients consultancy on Excise Duties, which concerns the preparation of advisory reports, the assistance on taxation of the operations involving excise duty-taxed products. We also draft consultations and provide updates on the recent changes of excise legislation.
We offer our help with litigations against Tax Excise Administration concerning settlements or penalties. This involves appeal proceedings, requests for repayment, cassation proceedings, assistance within investigations and preliminary rulings before European court of Justice.
We help clients in managing internal audits, aimed at avoiding tax contingencies regarding Excise Duties. We also settle training programs or seminars, focused on covering specific day-to-day problems, or explaining legislative developments.
Training programs
We organise training programs or seminars, focused on covering specific day-to-day problems, or on explaining legislative developments.