Jin Woo Kim

Contact details
Cassidy Levy Kent
66 Avenue Louise, 2ème étage, 1000 Brussels – Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)2 883 12 20
E-mail: jwkim@cassidylevy.com
As an international trade and customs lawyer, Jin Woo Kim advises multinational corporations and governments on international trade and customs matters. The scope of his work includes anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, and safeguards investigations in the European Union and other countries, World Trade Organization (WTO) matters, EU customs compliance, trade policy, and new EU regulatory measures such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), and Forced Labour Regulation.
Mr. Kim also advises clients on EU-Korea trade matters, advises on Korea’s regulatory regime, and assists companies seeking to expand market access.
He has been recognized by ratings guides such as Legal500 for his capabilities in WTO proceedings as well as his trade disputes acumen.
Mr. Kim is a member of the Editorial Board of the Global Trade and Customs Journal (Kluwer). He also regularly publishes articles on international trade issues and presents findings at seminars.
Before joining private practice, Mr. Kim gained experience in WTO dispute settlement as an intern at the WTO Appellate Body Secretariat and as a Blue Book trainee at the Legal Service of the European Commission, where he prepared drafts of internal memoranda and written submissions in WTO appeal and panel proceedings. Mr. Kim also focused on EU-Korea trade matters during his internship at the Directorate-General for External Policies (DG EXPO) of the European Parliament and at the Korea International Trade Association (KITA).
During his earlier studies at Georgetown University Law Center, Mr. Kim examined implications of Brexit on international trade. He contributed to the book Legal Aspects of Brexit (Hillman and Horlick, eds., 2017), and has written extensively on the EU-Korea FTA. Mr. Kim acquired in-depth understanding of EU law, with an emphasis of EU Common Commercial Policy, during his studies at Leiden University.
- Described by Legal 500 EMEA as “a trade disputes expert” and among the “key lawyers” in his firm’s international trade and customs team
- Recognized by Legal 500 EMEA for his capabilities in WTO proceedings
Representative Matters
- Anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguards investigations: Assisting multinational companies and governments in anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguards investigations in the EU and other countries
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Advising multinational companies, EU importers, governments, trade associations on the functioning of the EU and the UK’s carbon border adjustment mechanism
- EU trade policy: Advising multinational companies, governments, trade associations on EU and international trade matters
Recent Speaking Engagements
- International Association of Korean Lawyers “EU CBAM,” 15 June 2024
- Korean Society of Trade Remedies Seminar “EU case laws on Trade Defence Instruments (TDI) (e.g., anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, safeguard measures),” 27 October 2023
- ARcom Formazione “CBAM: Emission calculation methodologies and penalties,” 18 October 2023
- Korea International Trade Association Seminar “CBAM during the transitional period (EU CBAM 전환기간 설명회),” 10 October 2023
- ARcom Formazione “CBAM: Key elements of the CBAM Implementing Regulation,” 20 September 2023
- Customs Strategy and International Trade, Belgium “Sustainable supply chains: CBAM,” 22-25 May 2023
- Korea International Trade Association Seminar “Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework,” 3 May 2023
- Korea International Trade Association Seminar, South Korea “EU legal system and Green Deal Industrial Plan,” 28 April 2023
- Greenlane Conference – Logistics challenged: Supply Chain Due Diligence and Carbon Content Reporting at the EU’s Border, 24 November 2022
- Korea International Trade Association Seminar “EU Trade Issues in the second half of 2022 (2022 하반기 EU 주요 통상이슈),” 23 September 2022
- KOTRA Seminar “EU legislative process (EU입법절차),” 15 September 2022
- Korea International Trade Association & KOTRA Seminar, “EU Supply Chain Due Diligence Directive (EU 공급망실사법 대응),” 8 March 2022
- Korea International Trade Association (KITA) – Training session on the EU legislative process, “EU Legal System and Legislative Procedure (EU 법률체계 및 EU 입법과정),” 16 February 2022
- Korea International Trade Association Seminar (2021년 EU 주요 통상정책과 대응방안), “EU Legislations on Sustainable Trade and Implications on Korean Companies (EU 지속가능무역/공정경쟁 관련 주요 입법 동향 및 대응방안 (공급망 실사, 무역구제 조치 등)),” 22 April 2021
- Panelist, John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO Law (19th Edition), First and Second European Regional Rounds, March 2021
- Customs Strategy and International Trade course, “EU Carbon Border Adjustment,” 24 November 2020
- Korea Business Association (KBA) Europe Seminar (유럽한국기업연합회(KBA Europe) 총회 및 세미나), Brussels, Belgium, “EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its Impact on Korean Companies (EU 탄소국경조정제 동향 및 대응방안),” 13 November 2020
- Korean Mission to the EU, Brussels, Belgium, “EU Investment Court System and Policy Advice for Future Negotiations (EU 국제투자법원제도 동향 및 정책제언),” 4 November 2020
- Korean Mission to the EU, Brussels, Belgium, “EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its Impact on Korean Companies (EU 탄소국경조정제 동향 및 대응방안),” 14 October 2020
- Panelist, John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO Law (18th Edition), South & West Asia Regional Round, 6-8 May 2020
- Panelist, John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO Law (18th Edition), African Regional Round, 21-23 April 2020
- Korean Mission to the EU – Annual Discussion on EU Economic Agenda with Korean Companies (2019 재벨기에 경제인 초청 EU 경제현안 간담회), Brussels, Belgium, “EU Trade Policy under the New European Commission (신임 EU 집행위 통상정책),” 26 November 2019
- Korean Mission to the EU – Annual Discussion on EU Economic Agenda with Korean Companies (2018 재벨기에 경제인 초청 EU 경제현안 간담회), Brussels, Belgium, “Brexit and Implications on Korean Companies’ Business Operation in Europe (브렉시트 전망과 한국기업의 대응방안),” 6 December 2018
- Korea Business Association (KBA) Europe Seminar (유럽한국기업연합회(KBA Europe) 총회 및 세미나), Paris, France, “Recent Development of Brexit and Korean Companies’ Preparation for Brexit (브렉시트 전망과 한국기업의 대응방안),” 30 November 2018
- Commentaries on World Trade Law: Volume 3 (Trade Remedies), Co-author: Kiliane Huyghebaert, Sept 2024.
- Co-Author, “Interview: Walter Van der Meiren, Director for Customs Brokerage at UPS,” Global Trade and Customs Journal, June 2024
- Co-Author, EU Case Laws on Trade Defence Instruments (TDI) in 2022; Global Trade and Customs Journal, May 2023
- Suspension of anti-dumping measures in the EU; Global Trade and Customs Journal, May 2022
- “Court recalls the Commission’s broad discretion in conducting anti-dumping investigations,” EU Law Live, 8 February 2022
- “Interview: Pierrick Le Gallo, DuPont EMEA President,” Global Trade and Customs Journal, January 2022
- “Interview: Adam Berman, European Policy Director of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA),” Global Trade and Customs Journal, July 2021
- Co-Author, “Investment court system under EU Trade and Investment Agreements: addressing criticisms of ISDS and creating new challenges,” Global Trade and Customs Journal, May 2021
- “Investment Court System Under EU Trade and Investment Agreements: Enforcement Issues,” Regulating for Globalization, 29 March 2021
- “EU – Korea FTA panel ruling and a challenge for its effective implementation,” EU Law Live, 5 February 2021
- “Shedding Light on the Role of the EU’s Chief Trade Enforcement Officer: Dispute Over Labor Commitments Under EU – Korea FTA and EU Enforcement Regulation,” European Law Blog, 2 March 2020
- “Potential Changes to the UK’s International Trade Law Framework if it Leaves the EU,” International Trade Law and Regulation 2019, Issue 3, pp. 141-158
- “Lack of Certification of the WTO Goods Schedules of the United Kingdom: A Way for Frictionless Trade Under No-Deal Brexit?” 14 Global Trade and Customs Journal 2019, Issue 6, pp. 287–296
- “Is the United Kingdom Still a Party to the EU – Korea FTA after Brexit?”, Legal Aspects of Brexit, 2019 (Jennifer Hillman & Gary Horlick, eds.)
- LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center
- LL.M., Leiden University
- LL.B., Kyung Hee University
- English
- Korean
Bar Memberships
- Brussels (B List)
- New York