José Rijo

Contact details
Avenida Mário Brito, n.º 4170, 1º – sala 111
Apartado 5040 – Freixieiro – 4456-901 Perafita
Avenida Mário Brito, n.º 4170, 3º – sala 347
Apartado 5040 – Freixieiro – 4456-901 Perafita
Phone : +351 229 999 735/6
Fax: +351 229 999 731
José Rijo is a lawyer with relevant experience in the areas of Customs Law, Administrative Law and Community Law, both in consultancy aspects and litigation procedures.
He is also responsible for the construction and implementation process in the internationalization of domestic and foreign companies in their legal, customs and tax aspects.
José Rijo is also Lecturer at the “Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo” (Higher Institute of Business Sciences and Tourism) since 2002, where he teaches the subjects of “Customs Regimes and Procedures” and “Standards and Practices for International Trade.” He collaborates with EGP-UPBS since 2003 and coordinates the “Customs Regimes and Procedures” course. Visiting Professor of the Law Faculty of the University of Porto, he taught the course “Themes of customs duties” within the Postgraduate Course in Tax Law in the academic year 2010/2011.
He has a Graduate Diploma in Contract Law from the Catholic University and the Diploma of Advanced Studies in European Tax Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he is a PhD candidate in the interuniversitary Program in European Tax Law.
José Rijo is a lecturer, trainer and speaker at multiple seminars and workshops on topics of international trade and customs.